Jesus With Those Who Repent: Reflection on The Last Sunday after Pentecost, Year C

Readings for the Day:

Today is the Last Sunday in the Season after Pentecost. It's a transition point in our focus. We are moving from focusing on the role of the church in the world to preparing for Christ to come into our hearts with the celebration of Jesus' birth during Christmas as well as the more ancient tradition of Advent as a preparation for Jesus' Second Coming in the world.

As such, there is a tradition of readings that emphasize the glory and power of Christ. Which we see in all our readings. Except one.

In the Gospel today, we hear the story of the penitent criminal next to Jesus at the crucifixion. It isn't a story of triumph. It's a story of death.

But it is in this story that we see who Jesus truly is. Here is a man who recognizes what he has done wrong. He accepts his guilt and what he deserves. And he doesn't ask anything from Jesus except that Jesus remember him.

Jesus' response isn't to condemn this man, though. Instead he says "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise."

Jesus' reaction is to always take in those who want to repent and turn back to be in relationship with Him. He will always accept those who have faith in Him. That is who Jesus is, and that is who we are getting ready to accept in our hearts this Advent Season.