Readings for the Day:
One of the first things I'm asked each year when Lent starts is "what are you giving up?" Because that's what Lent is about, right? Giving something up.
In a way, it becomes like a second New Years Resolution. What can I give up to make myself better?
But we need to be very careful when we do this sort of thing. Because then who are we really giving things up for? Is it for God, or is it for ourselves?
Because our motivation behind our piety for Lent, as well as for anything else we do, is important. And that is what the Gospel is getting at this evening.
As Jesus says, those who give alms or pray or fast and do so loud and publicly receive their reward. Because they're not doing it for God. They are doing it to be praised.
So what should be given in glory to God, is instead given in glory to themselves. They become an idol in that sense. An idol to wash in their praise.
If we are to do the opposite, to not be like the hypocrites Jesus mentions, we are called to focus on what alms giving, prayer, and fasting is really about. It's about offering what we have to God. It's about praising Him. It's about trying to be closer to Him.
We often harp on the season of Lent as one that is purely about recognizing our sin and wretchedness. But that is not what Lent is fully about. It's about preparing ourselves for Easter. It's about getting ourselves ready to turn around.
It's about giving ourselves time to be closer to the God who loves us.
So as you move forward in Lent, don't just give up something for you. Don't just give up something to give it up or to be a better person or to be praised by others for our self-control. If you give something up. Let it be something that hinders your relationship with God. Let it be something that keeps you from the one who loved you so much, He came down to be one with us and die for us.
Or better yet, take something on. A new spiritual practice like painting, journaling, reading a new book, or even something else like adding something new to your prayer routine. Take on something new to renew your relationship with God. Take on something new to let God into your life.
Because at the end of the day, nothing that we do during this time of Lent is about ourselves. It's about God and our relationship with Him. So whatever it is you decide to do, give something up, take something on, or even both, make sure it is something that will help you be with God more. That will strengthen your bond with Him. That will renew your relationship. Because that is what Lent is really about. It's about taking the time to be with God as we prepare ourselves to celebrate His Resurrection on Easter.