You Need A Guide: 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year 1

Readings for the Day:


When I was younger, my dad had a conference in Rome. One of the things we did was visit the Vatican.

It was during one of the Jubilee Years. This is a rare occasion. There's one every 25-50 years. During these years, the special Jubilee door was open.

We wanted to go through the door, but we weren't sure where it was. There was no sign.

Now it had taken us forever to get in the Vatican itself, and we went around the entire church searching.

Finally we found someone to ask, and we were told it was the door we'd already gone through.

We were fortunate that we had gotten to our destination. But we did so unwittingly, so we couldn't really celebrate properly.

To know where you're going and to know what to do when you get there, you need someone to show you the way. You need a guide.

One of the things we all want is life. And life abundantly. On a higher level, we want union with God, the source of all life and goodness.

Fortunately, we have a roadmap to God. It is Jesus. The way. The truth. The life. We are told, "No one comes to the Father except through me."

Jesus has come to be the bridge for us back to God the Father. He is the way, the path, to bring us back into true life.

That is what this Easter season is about. It's about seeing Jesus for who He is. Our hope. Our salvation. The One to restore our relationship with God. All we have to do is let Him do that for us. All we have to do is follow Him.