Reflection on the Road to Emmaus: Easter 3, Year A

Readings for the Day:
Reflection on Readings:

On Easter, we heard of Mary Magdalene finding Jesus in an unlikely place. The man she thought was a gardener turned out to be our Lord Himself.

Today, we hear a similar story. On the way to Emmaus, two of Jesus' followers encounter Him. And even though He explains to them all that the Scriptures say, these two men still don't know who it is they travel with. It isn't until they sit down to eat that the recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread.

We often encounter Jesus in our lives when we least expect to. So we need to keep our eyes and our ears open so that we may know Him when He meets us. We need to keep our eyes peeled for that moment when we can recognize Him in all His glory, just as His followers did in the breaking of the bread.