Faith Fact- The 12 Days of Christmas

There are those who sometimes give a funny look at those of us who insist on making Advent stay Advent (#waronadvent). There's a good reason we insist on keeping Advent as Advent, and it's here now.

Christmas isn't a day. It's 12 days. It's meant to be a 12 day celebration.

Like all good celebrations, Christmas needs preparation (or a pre-game depending on who you talk to). We can't rush into it. Otherwise we just wear ourselves out, which is often what we see in the world.

Advent as a season of preparation isn't just about spiritual preparation, although we need that to truly let Jesus in our lives and to truly feel the joy that this season is about. We need that preparation to actually physically, mentally, and, yes, spiritually celebrate to the fullest.

Have a merry Christmas. All 12 days of it.