God's Next Chapter For Us: 2nd Sunday in Lent, Year B

Readings for the Day:


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Some time ago, I was at a celebration for a friend. All of her family came to support her, as well as many friends. One person there was her grandfather.

Her grandfather, we'll call him Grandpa Bob, was at a crossroads in his life. His wife of over 60 years had passed away a few months ago. Naturally Grandpa Bob was still grieving, and when we grieve, it helps to talk. So he spoke about his late wife to those of us there. He spoke about how they met and how proud she would have been of their granddaughter. And he said he wasn't sure what to do now. He said it felt his life was over.

Then he pulled out a picture of his late wife to show us, and with her photo was a picture of his great-grandchildren.

Now I was fortunate to have known my great-grandmother. I remember sitting and talking with her still. And so that is what I told him, that it had meant so much to me to have known my great-grandmother and that I was sure his great-grandchildren would one day feel the same way about knowing him. This seemed to perk him up, at least a little bit. At the very least, he had a newfound purpose and hope.

Even though it seemed to Grandpa Bob that his life was over, that was not in fact true. There is still a new chapter in his life. There is still a new purpose.

In my time visiting our nursing home Colonial Haven, I have found many who are not sure what there is left for them to do in this world and in this life. But the funny thing is that Scripture says something very different. No matter our age or where we are in our journey, God still finds a way to call us to continue to serve Him.

Because despite being 99 years of age, God continues to call Abram to serve Him. Though many years have passed since God first called Abram, He calls Abram still. And He calls him to what seems impossible, to father what will become a multitude of nations.

Not only does God call on Abram to continue to serve, but He does something new with Abram. He gives him, and his wife Sarai, a new name.

From now on Abram will be Abraham and Sarai will be Sarah.

In spite of all the time that has passed, Abraham still has his mission to follow in God's path. And even after all this time, God has found a way to make Abraham's service to Him new.

All of us have various points of change in our lives. At various points, a chapter closes. But when one chapter closes, another begins.

God always has more for each and everyone of us to do, no matter what stage of life we are in. Abraham is proof of that. What can be more difficult is to figure out exactly what God wants us to do.

But this is very much what Lent is about. In this season, we are called to turn back, to return to the Lord. What we are really being called to do is to renew our relationship with God, and listening is the most important part of any relationship.

We are called, then, to listen. What is it that God is asking us to do? What is it that God is putting before us?

Listening takes time and practice. It takes listening to the words of Scripture. It takes paying attention to what is going on around us and in our lives. It takes reflection and, at times, listening to our gut.

Keep listening, not just in this season of Lent, but always. It might seem like a major chapter in your life has closed, but as we see with Abraham, that just means another chapter has begun. We may not realize what it is God would still have us do, and that is why we keep on listening. We listen so we might know what it is God wants us to do. We listen so we can continue to do His will.