Lessons in the Wilderness: Reflection for Lent 1, Year B

Readings for the Day:

In the Gospel today, Jesus is baptized, hears The Father's voice, and goes out to the wilderness for 40 days.

Jesus is giving us an example of what we should do in times of spiritual change. When we are listening or discerning what God is saying to us, we should take time to reflect. This is what a retreat is for. It gives us time to remove ourselves from the world in order to stop and think about what God is asking of us.

Note that soon after His retreat in the wilderness, Jesus returns and begins His new ministry. Once again Jesus is giving us an example. We too should retreat when we are getting ready to begin a new part of our spiritual journey. We should prepare and reflect.

Lent is a time where we are called to ponder. It is a time where we prepare to hear about the Resurrection in a new light. Take this time, set it apart to be holy, and reflect with Jesus in the wilderness.