Christian Formation on Baptism Part 2

Order of the Baptismal Service

Note: Confirmation,Reception, and Reaffirmation take place in the context of Baptism. 

You can follow along in The Book of Common Prayer online at this link. You can learn more about the service here.

1.    Begin with Word Liturgy- BCP 300
·      Like Eucharist, this is not separate from the service as a whole
·      No specific readings, meant to be in context of Sunday service
2.    Questioning- BCP 302
·      3-fold renunciation and 3-fold committal to Jesus
·      Note that this is summed (BCP 303) for those Received/Reaffirmed
3.    Baptismal Covenant- BCP 304
·      Affirming our faith
·      Basically the Apostles’ Creed in Q&A form
·      Other questions to do with living in the Christian Life
o   Gets at Promise to Follow God- BCP 303
o   Expands Question added after affirmation of faith in 1662 BCP
4.    Prayers- BCP 305
·      Like Prayers of the People, part of every major service
·      Prayers specifically for the candidates
5.    Thanksgiving Over Water- BCP 306-307
·      Note on BCP 307 We ask God to sanctify water for us. We don’t do it
·      Takes us through all of salvation history with water
6.    Chrism- BCP 307
·      Optional- Depends on Liturgical Tradition
·      Represents that we are all part of the Royal Priesthood of Christ
o   In ancient times, this was how you marked kingship
·      Has to be blessed by a Bishop
o   Connects Baptism to the Bishop, and thus the whole church
7.    Baptism- BCP 307
8.    Prayer over Candidates- BCP 308
9.    Sealing with Cross- BCP 308
·      Recognizes the Gifts of the Spirit
·      Baptism and Holy Spirit not always connected in Bible: Acts 8:14-17
10. Confirmation, Reception, Reaffirmation- BCP 309-310
·      Each is marked with the laying on of hands by the Bishop
·      Each also has a unique prayer the Bishop says
11. Eucharist
·      Not necessary
·      However, Eucharist marks our regular pattern of life as Christians
·      Marks more fully that the Baptized is part of community now
·      For others, Eucharist is a mark of Christian celebration as well
·      Also, meant to be a public service, best done at Sunday Service
·      Main Days to celebrate: BCP 312

Note: In an emergency, anyone can Baptize. See BCP 313-314.