Faith Fact- Nicene Creed Origins

It would be more correct to call what we know as the Nicene Creed by the name the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed. That is because the Creed is not the work of one church council, but two. These councils were the first of the two so-called Ecumenical Councils, the first gatherings of the entire church under the Roman Empire. These councils, the First Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.) and the rest Council of Constantinople (381 A.D.) were meant to bring the Christian Church together as one. In coming together as one, they formed a statement of faith. Because they were human, it took two councils to create a formula that the early Christians were satisfied with.

We say the Nicene Creed today at our Eucharistic services. It is not only a reminder of what we believe as Christians, but it is a sign as we come to the altar that we are expressing our faith as one throughout the ages and throughout denominations.

Tune in next week for more information on the Nicene Creed!