Lectio Divina

Note: Lectio Divina literally means "divine reading". This is an approach to studying Scripture that is  designed to help you listen to what God is saying to you in the present through the Word.

Steps for Lectio Divina: 

1.   Take a verse or passage in Scripture. Read it out loud either with a group or just yourself.
2.   As the passage is read, look for a phrase that sticks out for you. Write that phrase down.
3.   Read the passage again.
4.   This time, pick a word that sticks out for you.
5.   Read the passage one last time.
6.   Based on this final reading and the phrase and word that have come to mind, reflect on what God might be saying to you through this passage of Scripture.
7.   If you are with a group, share and discuss what God is saying to each of you. Reflect on what God may be calling each of you to do, both individually and as a group

Remember: This is one method of Lectio Divina you can use. Find what method works best for you.