Using the Daily Office in Reading Scripture

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Daily Office and Scripture

·      Discussed more academic study with Study Bibles
·      Last time focused on Personal Connection with Scripture
·      As Episcopalians, have a built-in tool to hear Scripture
o  Do so through the Daily Office
What is the Daily Office?
·      Daily Office = Services of Prayer throughout the Day
·      Ancient Times- full of prayer and Scripture readings
·      Cranmer condensed to Morning and Evening Prayer
Daily Office as Evangelical through the Bible
1.    Bible at center of worship
·     Cranmer’s Preface: so would be “stirred up to godliness”
2.    Insistence on English, language people understood
3.    Reading the Bible in whole (throughout each day)
4.    Ringing of the Bell
·     Let people know when could join worship
Morning and Evening Prayer Today
·     Combines Prayer with reading Scripture
o   Helpful to feel we are in conversation
·      Lectionary (BCP 934)
o   2 year cycle
o   Read vast majority of Scripture
o   Can space out between both services
·     Constancy
o   Services designed for everyday use
Daily Office Extended
·      1979 Prayer Book added Noonday Prayer and Compline 
o   Compline is meant for late evening/ before bed
o   Can use both these services in addition to MP and EP
o   Shorter readings offered, could replace with Lectionary
·      Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families
o  Very short prayers, great for busy life
o  Can substitute short readings with Lectionary

Note: Use the method that helps you feel close to God and read Scripture more fully. Or adapt your own method.