Why Christian Formation

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Why Christian Formation?

·      We often forget:
o  We are always in the middle of our journey
o  We are never at the end
o  As Christians, we could say: end of this life isn’t an end
§  Could say just the close of a chapter
·      Thus, we are always still growing
1.    Maturity
·     Mature as we grow older physically and mentally
·     Also have Spiritual Maturity
o  How well do we listen to God?
o  What is our conception of God?
§  Wish-granter or benevolent creator?
o  How well do we deal with crisis in our Faith?
§  Do we lean on Jesus in the pain?
§  Do we take time to recover?
·     How do we recover?
§  How do we respond when angry at God?
·     Do we shut God out?
o  i.e. do we rely more on God or ourselves?
·     Not meant to condemn, we mature at different rates
·     Age Maturity ≠ Spiritual Maturity
o  Can be younger with great Spiritual Maturity
o  Can be older with less Spiritual Maturity
2.    Love
·     Like any relationship, ours with God grows
·     As we grow, our will aligns with God’s.
3.    Knowledge
·     As we experience, we learn
·     Goal isn’t to learn in it of itself, but to strengthen us
o  Can help us be closer to God
·     Helps us learn to listen
·     Scripture is our center for learning
o  In fact, Scripture speaks about Formation…
1.    The Time of the church
·      Recorded Primarily in Acts of the Apostles
·      Peter
o  Receives vision of Animals
o  Even Peter still needed to learn
·      Paul
o  Well trained as a Pharisee (Philippians 3:5-6)
o  Still needs a big push on the road to Damascus
o  Completely changes his life
o  Receives teaching from Ananias after this event
·      Epistles (Letters)
o  Primarily written to Churches in need of instruction
o  Our primary teaching comes from the need for Growth
2.    Jesus’ Ministry
·      Just because the Disciples follow Him, doesn’t mean that’s it
·      Disciples still need to receive further instruction
o  Ask Jesus to explain the parables 
§  Sower: Matt 13:10, Mark 4:10, Luke 8:9
o  Recent Lectionary shows (Mark 8:27-38, Mark 9:30-37)
§  Jesus is telling them about the end and meaning
§  Hopes they will emulate Him
o  Jesus’ final words to them in John 13-17
·     Jesus continues teaching in hope they will understand.
o  Purpose is always help us know God more (John 14:8-9)
3.    Pre-New Testament Times
·      Torah, called to teach children and their children (Deuteronomy 4:10)
o  Called to teach so would never forget
o  Would always know God from what God did
·      Prophets- call on people to turn and repent
o  Even David called to task (2 Samuel 12:1-14)

To Sum Up:
1.    All of us have to grow, even leaders
2.    God has used countless means over time to help us grow

3.    God’s intention is that we would know Him more deeply in order to better be in relationship with Him.