Finding Joy in Our Relationship with God: St. Paul's Picnic

We have a tendency, or at least I do, to focus on the negative around us, and when it comes to our faith, we tend to talk about how faith can help lead us through the dark times. Today, I want to focus on joy instead.

 Back when I was still in Montana, I was trying to sort out my relationship with God, specifically God in the Person of the Son, Jesus. I was fortunate enough to be able to go through a retreat at the time, and I worked with a spiritual director to develop that relationship.

And you know what? I found joy in that relationship. That's because it was a good relationship. It was a relationship that was going well, that had been built firm and stronger than before. Most of all, it was a relationship with the one person we can actually have a healthy relationship with because God, more than all other beings, truly wants and knows what is best for us.

I found that joy started coming out in all the other things I was doing, especially in my preaching at the time. When you find that kind of joy, you want to spread it. You want other people to have that kind of joy too.

Having a good relationship with God is important, and it's something we all have the ability to build. We don't have to go on a retreat to do it, although doing so can help. All we really need to do is to take the time. Set aside a few minutes a day to be with God. Talk to other people around you and seek help in building your relationship. You will find with time that your relationship with God will get better, and as a result you will find joy in life too.