Why Outreach

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Early Church
·      Acts 6:1-7
o  Where Deacons come from
o  Apostles’ saw need for those to serve others
§  Couldn’t take care of their own
§  Made sure had others to do so for them
Old Testament
·      Widows and Orphans have been important since OT
§  Note this comes right after law on “resident alien”
§  God described as the one who helps the helpless
o  Widows and Orphans could not take care of themselves
§  Sign that we need to help one another
§  Quoted by Jesus in Matt 22:37-39
§  Summary of the 10 Commandments
§  Sign that loving God means loving our neighbor
Jesus’ Ministry
·      Made up in two parts
1.  Teachings
a.   Parables- stories
b.  Sermons and Explanations
2.  Healings
·     Helping others- could see as Outreach
·     What Jesus was primarily sought out to do by others
·      Justice or Jesus?
o  We chose Jesus, but in choosing Jesus, choose Justice
o  Called to help others as Jesus did
§  Jesus showed His love for us on the cross
§  We in turn, show that love to others
§  Outreach is one tool we use to do so.