Faith Fact- Have We Changed Seasons?

You might have noticed that we ended the Season after Pentecost with a great deal of readings about the Second Coming and the end times. Now, as Advent starts, we have readings about... the Second Coming and the end times.

Have we really changed liturgical seasons? We have, in fact. not only changed seasons, but we have started a new liturgical year as well.

We end the liturgical year in the season after Pentecost by looking to the end of our journey in this world as Christians with the return of Christ Jesus. In this way, the entire liturgic year also points to the sum total of Jesus' life on earth.

Traditionally Advent celebrated the hope of the Second Coming. As time went on and celebrating birthdays became important, the feast of Christmas began to be celebrated. Advent became a bridge between Jesus' return and His coming to the world in the Incarnation.

Because of this bridge, the liturgical years cycle into each other. We end by looking forward to the hope of Jesus' return, and we begin with recalling Jesus' first coming into this world.

So Happy New Year! I hope this year is a renewed chance for you to let Jesus Christ into your heart.