Faith Fact- St. Stephen

We are often so busy after Christmas that we forget about all the other feast days in the church calendar around this time, including, but not limited to, St. Stephen's Feast Day on December 26.

Stephen was one of the first deacons, as reported in Acts 6:5. He is also the first of the deacons that we read the most about, especially since he was killed with Paul's (also known as Saul) approval (Acts 7:54-8:1).

Deacons are a noble order of ordination. The name means "servant", for deacons are called to serve the widow and orphan as well as to bring the needs of those in the world to the church. They help remind us of Jesus' role serving others in the world. You can find more information about the role of deacons in Acts 6 and in The Book of Common Prayer with the deacon ordination service and the Outline of Faith (BCP 537 and BCP 856).

St. Stephen is a reminder to us of the importance of deacons in the church. Therefore we shouldn't forget his feast day when it comes on December 26, but instead we should keep in mind the role of deacons on this day and pray for our deacons as they serve others in their role in God's church.