Faith Fact- Lenten Life

Lent isn't just a season of the church; it is a reflection of life. Unfortunately, we live in a world where we are surrounded by sin and death. Just pick up a newspaper and you will see what I mean. Lent reflects that world we live in with the sorrow we have and the shame we experience at our own part in that sin.

But, there is also hope. We have hope because death does not have the last word for us. We are given new life through the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this life, we look forward to the hope of the resurrection that will occur after our life on earth has ended. In Lent, we look to that hope with the celebration of the Resurrection at Easter.

Lent not only prepares us for Easter, but it helps us to see what life is really about: looking with hope to the Resurrection. Yes, there is need in life to repent of our sins, and Lent provides ample opportunity to do so. Yet our life as Christians is also meant to be one of hope for the new life to come through the Resurrection of our Lord.