Faith Fact- Ministry Shelf Life

There are many ministries we love and become a part of over time. Letting go of those ministries can be very difficult at times. However, the world we live in is always changing, so the needs of our communities and churches at times change.

Ministry itself has changed over time, which we see in the epistles. As the church grew, the Apostles needed help. Deacons were the first new group to be appointed to help with the ministry of the church (Acts 6:1-7). Eventually the Apostles called on others to help them with governance. In the Episcopal Church, we recognize this growth in ministry in the form of Bishops (heirs the Apostles), Priests or Presbyters, and Deacons. Other denominations have their own forms and orders of ministry too.

When ministries or ministry groups/organizations slow down, it is always appropriate to discern the future of those ministries. Has the work of this ministry run its course? Is there a new ministry that is needed? These conversations can be difficult, but if we have them with an ear to the Holy Spirit, we will find, just as in our own individual lives, that as one chapter closes another begins.

Sometimes it may be that a ministry does not need to end, but rather needs new life. Perhaps new innovation is needed. Maybe it's time to pass on the leadership to new people. This is part of the discernment too, and it will help to see what is best for the community, the church, and the world.

I have been going through a discernment about the Faith Facts portion of this site. I am happy to say there will be more Faith Facts in the future, but the section will continue to change and grow. I hope you will continue to learn and grow from this section as well, especially as that is the point and purpose of this ministry.