Faith Fact- St. Patrick

St. Patrick is one of the more celebrated saints, and is the patron saint of Ireland. His feast day is often seen as a cultural festival celebrating the Irish. The story of Patrick is one deeply rooted in our Christian Faith, and as an Irish-decended American, I would like to share that story on this day.

Patrick was not, in fact from Ireland. He came from Great Britain. As a young man, however, he was kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland. During the 6 years of his capture, his faith grew and he had visions from God telling him that he would be alright. After that 6 years he escaped and returned home.

Many people, after such an event, would never want anything to do with anyone resembling their captors. Patrick was not most people. Eventually he felt the pull to return to Ireland and help spread the Good News of Christ Jesus to the inhabitants there. He established the church in Ireland, eventually becoming their patron saint.

Patrick's story is one of forgiveness, which is what our Faith is really about. I hope that in the midst of today's festivities, you will take some time to reflect on the importance of that story. We all live in need of forgiveness, and forgiveness is the primary deed Jesus asks of us. My hope is that in thinking about Patrick's example you will be changed and inspired for the better.