Faith Fact- A Good Use of Freedom

In this past Sunday's reading from Galatians (from the readings for Proper 8, Year C), Paul mentions the freedom we have in Christ Jesus.

However, Paul's intention, in his own words, is not that we use this freedom "as an opportunity for self-indulgence." Paul instead calls the Galatians, as well as us, to use our freedom in service to one another. He then quotes the second of the Two Great Commandments (BCP 324), that "you shall love our neighbor as yourself."

Freedom is a wonderful thing, and we as Christians are very fortunate to have the gift of freedom that is giving to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a precious gift, but not one to be used lightly. We are not called to be selfish with the use of our freedom, but to use it to serve others, even making ourselves "slaves to one another", as Paul puts it.

We don't just use our freedom for ourselves, we use it in service to God and one another. That is what we are called to do as Christians, which means at times we can't always do or say what we want. We live to a higher standard: the complete and full service of Christ Jesus in the world.