Readings for the Day:
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In our Gospel reading today, we hear the story of Jesus calling the Disciples to come and follow Him.
We don't hear a lot more than that. The way Matthew tells the story, the Disciples see and hear Jesus and immediately follow after Him.
There are two things we can take away from this story. One is the power of Jesus. There is something about Jesus that strikes at the hearts of the Disciples and makes them want to immediately follow Him.
The other thing we can take away is the immediate response of the Disciples. They do not hesitate, but they instead follow after Jesus right away.
Following God immediately is a difficult task. When God calls us in our lives, there are many things that can hold us back: fear, uncertainty, lack of confidence, our inability to listen, and other thoughts and concerns that can draw us away from the love of God.
It's not that we shouldn't take time to discern whether or not it is in fact our Lord calling us because we should always do that. But would that we were more like the Disciples, patiently waiting and listening and prepared to be on the move when the Lord calls us to get up and follow Him when He calls us.