Producing Good Fruits: Wednesday in Proper 21, Year 1

Readings for the Day:

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Original Manuscript:

When we hear the words "beware false prophets" we often conjure the image of certain kinds of corrupt church leaders. I'm referring to those stories of scandal we hear about from time to time, such as the preacher with a huge salary cheating on a spouse, or the minister who has been embezzling, or the many other examples we've all seen in the news or witnessed our personal life. These are people whose focus is not on God, but on themselves.

This isn't a statement that just pertains to church leaders though. It pertains to all of us because we are all called, in Baptism, to be ministers in God's church.

It's a sobering realization to think that at times we might be false prophets, but it's an important realization to have too. It helps us all to be mindful about what we are doing. What kind of fruits are we producing, as Jesus says? Are we making the love of God manifest in the world?

The way we do that is by listening to the very end of the passage. We must ask ourselves, "am I following my will or God's will?" If it's our will we are following, then we need to re-evaluate, but if we are pausing and listening to God every moment in our life, then we will, indeed, produce good fruit.