The Gospel according to Superheroes

Long time readers of this site will know that occasionally, I use superhero stories as illustrations for my sermons. For a long time, I have seen these stories as ways to connect more people to the truths of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, especially for those who love superheroes and their stories as much as I do.

It has also been my desire to continue to use superheroes as a way to teach the Gospel to others. I have finally had the opportunity to do so on a regular basis with my new blog: The Gospel according to Superheroes. If you love heroes, this is a chance to look at them in a way that connects to your Faith more deeply. If you want to find a way to connect with people in Christian Formation in a different way, you will find resources to lead your own Christian Formation sessions and Sunday School classes on the subject.

I hope you will take this new and exciting journey with me. Godspeed and blessings to you!

Check out The Gospel according to Superheroes at