Sign of Jonah, Sign of Words: Wednesday in the 1st Week of Lent

Reading for the Day:

Jesus tells His audience today that the sign they will receive will be the "sign of Jonah."

Jonah didn't perform any miracles for the people of Nineveh. Jonah only had words, the words of a prophet. Jonah's words were that Nineveh would be destroyed for their evil ways.

The really amazing thing is that the people of Nineveh actually listened to what Jonah had to say and repented. Now God had made no promises. He simply said that Nineveh would be destroyed, not that He would spare Nineveh if the people repented, but God chose to spare them anyways.

The sign of Jonah is a sign of words, but to truly take it in, we must be ready and willing to listen. Only then can we turn back from our own ways and follow the Lord. Only then can true transformation come.