Don't Miss Jesus' Presence in Your Midst: Wednesday in Easter Week

Readings for the Day:

Original Manuscript:

There are two things we can learn from the story of the Road to Emmaus.

Cleopas and his friend are two followers of Jesus. They are on their own, much like we are at this time. They’re not part of Jesus’ inner-twelve. They are Followers, not The Disiciples.

And yet Jesus comes to be with them anyways.

This is a sign for us that no matter who we are, no matter how holy we feel or don’t feel, Jesus is there to be with us and in the midst of us.

This leads to our second lesson. Cleopas and his friend only know who Jesus is because they keep their eyes open. Even then, as they say, it takes them some time to recognize the Lord in their midst.

If we are to recognize the presence of Jesus with us, we need to keep our eyes and ears open. Be ready and attentive. Don’t miss Jesus’ presence in your midst.