Prophet David and Creative Listening to God

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This past Sunday in our reading from Acts of the Apostles, Peter calls King David a prophet. This help explains why such a great portion of the New Testament quotes David's Psalms, especially Psalm 22, when discussing the life and ministry of Jesus.

Looking at David as a prophet also teaches us something about how we can listen to God. David's Psalms are works of art. Not only are they poetry, they were really the ancient hymnal of the Israelites and the church.

David used his art to listen to what God had to say to him. We can use art in the same way too. Whether it is through writing, drawing, or any other form, we can use our art to put on the paper what we hear God saying to us.

So jot down a few lines, play a few notes, paint some brushstrokes, or pull out your camera or some other device and listen to what God has to say to you through your art.