Proclaiming God to All People: The First Sunday after Pentecost- Trinity Sunday, Year A

Readings for the Day:


On this day when we celebrate God in the fullness of the Trinity, Jesus tells the Disciples to proclaim God in this fullness to "all nations".

The word here is έθνη, where our word "ethnicity" comes from. It can mean "nations". It can also mean "peoples". Jesus is sending the Disciples out to all kinds of people, people different from them. That includes race.

To truly listen to Jesus, we have to proclaim God to all people, even those who may be very different from us. We must do this through word and deed, which means we must love all people as our neighbors, and according to the Second Great Commandment, that means loving them as ourselves.

We can never truly accomplish Jesus' task for us until we ensure racial equality for all in the world, in our own countries and beyond. It is the task we see Jesus setting forth for His Disciples throughout all Matthew's Gospel in particular. God calls us to reach out to all people in love. God calls us to care for all people, no matter how different from us. That is our call found even in Scripture. To answer that call, we need to look at how we, and the societies we live in, treat others and fight until the same love and care are available to all.