How Much Jesus Has Strived to Make You His Own: 18th Sunday after Pentecost- Proper 22, Year A


Readings for the Day:

Original Manuscript:

I know many clergy say this about many passages, but our reading from Philippians this morning is one of favorite passages in Scripture. It’s in my top 5 for sure.

What I love so much about this passage are the words “Not that I have already obtained this [the power of Jesus’ resurrection] or have already reached the goal, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own.”

Now Paul isn’t overly sentimental or anything of the sort in this passage. He speaks of death and suffering. He speaks of giving up those things that we once had. Paul’s words are very much rooted in the reality of the world around him, just as they are rooted in the reality of the world around us.

But these words near the end of the passage give us hope. Even when things are difficult in the world around us, we can still press forward to be better and to serve God better.

Most importantly, these words give us hope because they help us see the deep abiding love Jesus has for us as well as the strength of His effort to bring us in closer relationship with Him.

We need to hear these words right now. We live in a world of suffering and death already that has now been compounded and exacerbated by this Pandemic, and it looks like we’re only halfway through.

There is hope, though, that we can and do continue to strive forward. We do continue to serve God because God, in our Lord Jesus Christ, has made us His own.

Whatever you are going through, I hope these words can be a comfort to you. I hope you will continue to strive forward towards the goal. Most of all, I hope you will always do so with the knowledge of how much Jesus loves you and how much He has strived to make you His own.