Changing the Way We Give to What We Love: St. Michael's Stewardship 2020

This time of pandemic has been a difficult one for all of us. But it has also been a time, if you look closely, where there has been a tremendous amount of hope.

Throughout this year, I have seen fundraisers to help artists, musicians, restaurants, local businesses, and non-profits that have been hurt by the Pandemic. These are people and organizations that are very much cared for and loved, and as Matthew 6:21 says, "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

My hope is that your heart is very much with this church. Moreover, I hope the God we proclaim in this church is where your heart truly resides, because God's heart certainly resides with you. This is the God who came down in human form out of love for us and died for us so that we would never have to be separated from Him again.

To continue to do God's work in this world and share that message of hope and love, we need your support, and part of that support is financial. I understand that for some, this time of pandemic will be one of loss while for others it will be a time of plenty. Please give whatever it is that you can to show your love and support. Please don't shy away from giving more than 10% of your income if you can, but also don't feel burdened to give 10% if you can't. Show your love by giving whatever amount is right for you.

This pandemic has changed the way we give to people and organizations that we love and wish to support. My hope is that it will change the way you give back to God in your giving to this church. My hope now, as always, is that you love God deeply, for God loves you more deeply than words can ever say. My hope is that you will show that love in all you do, including your financial giving.