Listen to Scientists: The Epiphany

Reading for the Day:


In our Gospel lesson for Epiphany, we recall one of the beloved parts of the Birth Narrative, the journey of the Wise Men. Now the Wise Men weren’t from Israel, so they wouldn’t have been familiar with the coming of Messiah whether from Tradition or Scripture. They learn about Jesus from Astronomy, an area of Science. In other words, they learn the truth of Jesus’ coming not through stories passed down or in listening to God’s Word, but through scientific discovery from their observations of the night sky.

The Study of Science isn’t meant to be contradictory to Scripture. Our study of Science is meant to enhance our understanding of how God works in this world. We are meant to use it to help understand what God is trying to say to us, just as the Wise Men used their Science of Astronomy to discover and accept what God was working in the world.

It is important for us to listen to God through all means, including both Scripture and Science. Scripture tells us to love God and love our neighbor as ourself. Science can give us the knowledge and tools to better love God and our neighbor in this world. We shouldn’t shun what we hear from scientists, but instead we should look at what they have learned and use it to better serve God in this world. Listen to scientists, and in doing so strive to worship God better through our lives on Earth.