Faith in the Storm: Wednesday in Week of 5 Easter, Year 1

Readings for the Day:

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Original Manuscript:

There are a lot of moments in my life where I have been stressed, worried, and anxious. It cause a lot of pain and more even more stress. Then there’s this moment when things get resolved or when a solution gets presented and all of a sudden I become aware of God’s presence again. After that I stop and think, “why didn’t I just trust in God in the first place?” and feel very silly.

If you have ever felt the same way, today’s Gospel is for you. In it, the Disciples find themselves in a storm, and they start freaking out. They get so concerned that shove Jesus awake yelling the equivalent of “Jesus, Jesus! Do something!”

They didn’t stop to think that maybe if Jesus was asleep in the boat, they shouldn’t be so worried. They didn’t stop to think that they just needed to have a little faith.

Whenever you feel stressed, worried, or anxious, I hope you’ll take some time, like me, and try to let God in. Have faith that even when you’re in a storm, God will bring calm in the end.