Continuing to Make 'Fishers of Men': Augustine, 1st Archbishop of Canterbury

Readings for the Day:

Original Manuscript:

Like Simon Peter, Augustine of Canterbury was called to be a “fisher of men”. His call was to head to Britain to bring the pagans to Christ Jesus. He then became the first Archbishop of Canterbury.

The thing is, the church already existed in Britain. They just weren’t focused on converting others around them.

That Christianity existed in Britain prior to Rome sending Augustine is vital for us to remember. It is why we as Episcopalians, descended from the Church of England, can truly say that the hands laid on our bishops and the teaching they spread can be traced all the way back to the Apostles, like Simon Peter. The term for that passing on of the teaching through the laying on of hands is “Apostolic Succession”. Only a few denominations can make that claim, including the Orthodox Churches, the Catholic Churches, and those in full communion with us as The Episcopal Church.

We are not “less than” in our mission to proclaim Christ Jesus to all nations. If anything, we have an equal call to share the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ as all Christians. We should never forget that. 

Our hope is that one day, all Christians throughout all denominations can come together as one, as we are truly meant to be, and as Augustine was really trying to bring about. For now, we should hold our heads up high and continue to “make fishers of men” for Jesus like Augustine of Canterbury, like the church present in Britain before him, and like Peter and all the Apostles from the start of the great Jesus Movement of Christianity.