It's Okay to Learn from Our Mistakes: St. Peter and St. Paul

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When Jesus was getting ready to go to the Cross, Peter got scared and betrayed Jesus by claiming he didn’t know Him. Now, in the Gospel today, Jesus is resurrected and taking time to talk with Peter. For all three times that Peter denied knowing Jesus, Jesus asks him to feed His sheep. Jesus wants Peter to help lead the early church.

Peter messed up, but Jesus was still willing to have him lead. We mess up too sometimes, but the lesson we learn is that Jesus will take us in anyways to serve in the church.

Our hope is to keep striving to be better, and to say we are sorry when we make a mistake. At the same time, Jesus still lets us serve Him even as we are trying to become better people for Him. It’s okay to make mistakes as long as we are moving on and learning from them so we can be better servants of God.