What It Takes to Share the Good News: Mary Magdalene

Readings for the Day:

Original Manuscript:

If we consider leaders of the church as those who proclaim the Good News of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, then Mary Magdalene is the first. She wasn’t looking for glory or to do anything special. She just wanted the body of her Lord properly attended too. Instead, she saw first hand that Jesus had risen from the grave.

We don’t have to go through course work, have a special certificate, or be set aside to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel. We simply have to convey the news that we have heard to others, like Mary Magdalene. We just have to be ready for the right time to share that news with others.

We are called to follow Mary Magdalene’s example in spreading the Good News. Just tell what you have heard, and share with others how that news has affected you. That is all it takes for us to be proclaimers of the Gospel in the world.