When We Face Meanness and Bullying: Pauli Murray

Readings for the Day:

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Original Manuscript:

In the story of the vineyard, Jesus tells us about what happened to the servants of God throughout all time. The prophets came and were treated poorly by those God put in charge of the vineyard. Finally, God sent His Son, Jesus, to talk to the people, but they put Him to death on the Cross.

This story shows us that when we face meanness and bullying from others, there are others who served God that faced those same things too. God is on our side when we face hardship from others and supporting us.

The story also shows that God is willing to continue to give us a chance when we are the ones bullying and causing harm to others, if only we will remain open to what God is saying to us and can apologize for what we did wrong.

Most of all, be reconciled to one another so that we might all come together and once again serve our Lord.