The Truth is What Ultimately Matters: Richard Hooker

Readings for the Day:

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Richard Hooker is the kind of person who I think I might have gotten along with. He’s credited with trying to find the middle ground between Protestantism and Catholicism in Anglicanism, even if that was to just keep us from the extremism of Puritanism. He had a love for Aristotle in his theological texts, which I personally love as a St. John's grad. He was highly in favor and spoke fondly of The Book of Common Prayer, and I hope I have conveyed the same in my time at St. Luke’s.

The most important thing about Hooker was his emphasis on the Truth as founded in our Faith. It is why our reading from John today is so fitting. It is why he stood up in the face of controversies, as we heard in the collect. It is also what we are called to do with every fiber of our being.

There is a lot we can take away from Richard Hooker, and I hope that you do today. Yet if there is only one thing you take away, it is the sharing the truth of the Gospel: that God so loved us that He was willing to come down in the form of Jesus to be with us and die for us so that we would never have to die again. Because in the end, that’s all that matters.