Our Voices in the Wilderness: 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C

Readings for the Day:

Original Manuscript:

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I am blessed to be able to say that there are many who have helped me throughout my life, particularly as I was coming into Faith. There are three people that today’s lessons helped me recall.

One was Paul Walker, the chaplain at the school I grew up in. Paul saw something in me calling out to serve the Lord even before I did, and he gave me the chaplain’s award when I graduated to open my eyes to that fact. I’ve kept the Bible he gave me for that award to this day. Paul had a passion and a joy in the Gospel that stands out as I think back to that time with him now. He showed me not only what I could do to serve our Lord Jesus, but the joy I could have in that work.

The second, of course, is my life-long mentor Heidi Kinner, who you have heard me speak about often . Heidi walked along the discernment process with me and provided opportunities for ministry to help me along the way. She has continued to be a principle person I go to for advice in ministry. Heidi also taught me how to stand firm in the convictions of our Faith while also showing the same love to others that God gives to us, whether that is through Outreach or just listening to a person talk about their week.

Finally, there is Bill Wortman, a classics teacher at my high school. Bill has always been known for his strong Faith, though he was kind to and provided care and compassion to all his students, no matter what their beliefs. He was willing to engage in conversation with anyone and made us all better students and people for it. Bill taught me the key of learning for our Faith, as well as the importance and kindness and openness to others, while standing firm in our beliefs, in order to make Jesus known to all in ways that would not otherwise be possible.

The people who show Christ to us in our lives are important. They help us shape our relationship with God. They are voices crying out to us to help connect us more fully with our Lord.

That was the goal of John the Baptist: to help us connect more meaningfully with God. To do that, we are called to return from our own ways so we can follow God’s more fully.

John the Baptist is not the only one who came to draw us back to God. We see others all the way from Paul back to the prophet Malachi. The message we hear hear in all of our readings is one of repentance, but it is also one of showing what God has shown us: Love and Mercy.

Our Canticle, the Song of Zechariah (John the Baptist’s father), reminds us that God cared for our ancestors. Paul reminds the Philippians of the love he has for them, the same love and grace that God has shown us all. Our Gospel reminds us that mixed in with the call to repentance is the offering of God for forgiveness.

We see this message of love, mercy, and return to our Lord through the messengers that deliver it to us. That is what I learned in my own life and experience. I was made stronger in my faith not only by learning about what I believe but seeing others live their Faith with all or their lives.

In this time of preparation and return to the Lord, I hope you can be that beacon to others. If you can show the same love God shows us to one another, then we will all be richer for it. Then we can all come closer in relationship to our Lord. Then we can help build the church and help all to see the love and glory or our Lord, especially as we prepare to move into the Christmas Season.