Listening to Jesus: Wednesday in Easter Week

Readings for the Day:

Original Manuscript:

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Cleopas and his traveling companion are on the road to Emmaus just after Jesus’ trial and crucifixion. They were both disciples, followers, of Jesus. What had happened hit them hard, as we can see from their conversation on their journey.

All of a sudden, a stranger joins them who tells them not to fear because everything that happened was foretold and indeed was necessary for the the salvation of the world. It is not until this man breaks bread with them that they recognize this man as their Lord. Jesus was with them the whole time, and it took them to the very end before they could recognize Him.

God is speaking to us all around us and always. We have to be open to hearing Him, if we wish to recognize our Lord.

To make this easier in today’s world, we often use stories and techniques that will appeal to others. For example, when I was serving in Montana, my mentor Heidi and I worked to find ways to better reach our youth. To do that, I personally came up with a list of movies I thought would appeal to the kids. These movies were all films I could find Gospel themes present in some shape or form. They had to be readily visible, though, to make the cut.

I continued that work when I started my ordained ministry. It is what led to my project, the Gospel according to Superheroes. My goal was to help people hear God’s word in places that they were fans of, places that appealed to them.

My next goal now is to take that work and teach others to do what I am doing. In this way, I hope that people will be able to hear God for themselves, even in places they might least expect. That way, when Jesus talks with you on the road to Emmaus, you will hopefully recognize Him and know Him even before the breaking of the bread.