Someone to Pray for Us: Monnica

Readings for the Day:

Original Manuscript:

The same love the mother in our Gospel reading has for her son is the same Monnica, who we celebrate today, showed to her son.

Monnica’s son is one of the most well known saints in the church: Augustine of Hippo. Even before his life as a theologian, Augustine was revered as an expert in the study of rhetoric. But he had the misfortune of continuing to fall prey to false religions.

Throughout his life, Monnica continued to pray for her son, that he would one day know Christ Jesus. And one day, he did, through a spiritual encounter with God in a garden.

We all need people like Monnica in our lives of faith, whether they pray for our way on that journey or drag us along. Whether it is a parent, spouse, sibling, or friend, we need someone we know will have our back along the way as we move closer and closer to the knowledge and love of our Lord.