Never a Moment without God’s Presence: Baptism

Readings for the Day:

Original Manuscript:

Much like Nicodemus with Jesus, we might be asking some questions ourselves right now. In just a short while, we will speak of how this child will turn away from the “spiritual forces of wickness”, evil, and all sinful desires before turning to accept, trust, and follow our Lord Jesus Christ.

Yet we speak all this about a child, one who is too young to have made any choices, good or bad, for or against God. We also, as we move closer to the font, will speak of being buried with Christ Jesus in His death and rising with Him in His Resurrection. As Jesus tells Nicodemus, “What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.” Yet this child is only beginning his life. We might ask then, “What’s going on?”

A change is going on here, even if we don’t see it and even if we don’t know it. This child may be a mere baby, yet the trajectory of his life is about to change. While there is no life before, he still will be gaining a new one, as Jesus tells Nicodemus. This life is one where he will no longer have to go on without knowing the loving presence of God. That is the gift his parents and godparents are offering him today, by taking on the rejections and promises of Baptism that we will read shortly. This child’s gift is the grace of never knowing, never remembering, a time without God. That gift, like the Grace of God itself, is undeserved and unearned, because this child has done nothing to earn or deserve them. This gift is truly a gift.

This child will never go on without knowing Christ Jesus because of us here. Not only will his parents raise him to know our Lord, we too will help in raising him to follow Jesus Christ. With us, we will have the support of the entire church behind us.

This child will go through the same rebirth Nicodemus questions Jesus about, even at such a young age. Gone is the time without God’s presence. Begun is a lifetime dedicated to and knowing our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a truly precious gift, and one of great grace, and we will do all in our power to strengthen this gift in and for this child so he will always feel God’s presence with him throughout his life.