Revealing the Wildness of God: Evelyn Underhill

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Evelyn Underhill is one of the greats when it comes to theologians within the Anglican Communion. She is one of those who, as Jesus says, would have worshipped what she knew and also done the work to share that knowledge with others.

One of those people she helped teach was none other than C.S. Lewis. As he was writing his Narnia series, Underhill told him that his conception of God could use a little more wildness in Him. Thus Aslan was born. Of all God and Jesus stand-ins that I have read, Aslan reads the most like God. Aslan is an incredibly helpful tool to understand God, as we have learned in the Gospel according to Superheroes. That is all thanks to Evelyn Underhill.

My hope is we will strive to be like Evelyn Underhill and both know and spread that knowledge to those around us. It’s not just that our idea of God could use with a little more wildness, we also need share that knowledge to help others, who in turn will help more people to the point that one day, hopefully, all will have the chance to better know our God.