Spreading Our Knowledge of the Gospel: Justin Martyr

Readings for the Day:

Original Manuscript:

Justin Martyr is one of the great early scholars of the church, a precursor to Augustine of Hippo even. His choice in his learning was to go out and try to make the world better. He used his knowledge to try and reach others and spread the news of our Lord Jesus Christ throughout the Roman Empire. This is what led to his death, and why Justin is called “Martyr”.

Justin Martyr lived into what Jesus says today. Jesus tells the Disciples when they believe in Him, they believe in the one who sent Him. The same is true for us. When we believe those we hear, we don’t believe in them, but in the one who sent them, mainly Jesus. The same is true when others listen to us.

Our call is to use all that we know and are to spread the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ, no matter where that may lead us. Hopefully we can follow Justin’s example in making Christ Jesus known from our our declaration of Him to all that we meet.