The Faith of Mary, the Virgin

Readings for the Day:

Original Manuscript:

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One thing we must remember about Mary is that she was a human as we are, albeit of a different time and culture. She’s a normal young woman in a small town doing normal small town young girl things.

What makes Mary great is the same reason she is chosen to bear God into this world. It is her Faith. When told what God has in store for her, she doesn’t refuse God’s blessing or doubt. She simply asks how this is possible and replies, “behold I am the handmaiden of the Lord. Let it be to me according to your word.” She trusted in God, knowing her pregnancy carried many risks. She trusted so much she was able to rejoice, as we hear in our Gospel today.

No one else in Scripture has the same amount of Faith as Mary from the start. No one else really took on the same personal risk. This is what makes her worthy to bear God into this world: her Faith, her Trust. These are the reasons we honor her and hope to one day be like her in our own Faith.