Why the Gospel According to Superheroes: Kassiani

Readings for the Day:

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It is appropriate on today when we celebrate a great poet of the church that we discuss the role of parables in our Lord’s teaching.

As we hear in Mark, Jesus spoke in parables as those who were listening “were able to hear”. In order to understand what Jesus is saying, it is necessary to truly listen in a way which our hearts and minds are open to taking in God’s word in the same way our ears are. Those who listened most deeply, of course, where the Disciples who Jesus taught and explained everything to, knowing how closely they would hear him.

God is speaking all around us. The Lord uses things we might never anticipating hearing God. It is that much more important for us to always be attentive and ready to listen.

This is why projects such as the Gospel according to Superheroes are so important to me. You can hear God speaking in those things you love, even if you aren’t expecting to. That is why we need to train ourselves to hear God’s voice calling out all around us. In this way, when God is crying out to us, we will hear what God has to say.

Keep training yourselves to hear God speak in all things, even those places you least expect and certainly in those things you most love. You might be surprised not just by what you hear but where you hear it.