Faith Fact- ...the Church is a Community


The church is not a business,... is, instead, a Community.

We might then ask what that means for our money and our giving. Acts of the Apostles provides an answer to this question. If we take a close look at Acts, the entire book is really about Community. From the start in Acts, that community is centered on what is shared in common. That includes the goods possessed by the Followers of the Way, those who would come to be known as Christians.

Holding goods in common was vitally important to the Early Christians. This becomes apparent in Peter's interaction with Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. It is also clear from the Apostles setting aside a group of servants (seen as a precursor for the diaconate) to help distribute those goods to the needy in Acts 6.

Giving to the church community was important to the Early Christians. If we are to continue in their Faith, then we must take giving seriously and look at their example as we move forward in our life together.

Click here to learn more about Acts and Community