Answering the Unexpected Call: Ambrose of Milan

Readings for the Day:

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Our Gospel tells us to be ready, for we don’t know when our Lord will appear.

Ambrose learned that lesson better than most. In his time, the people of Milan were fighting over who should be bishop. Ambrose tried to keep the peace, leading both sides to declare he should be their bishop. Though Ambrose protested (he hadn’t even been baptized yet!), the people of Milan finally won out, and he was ordained on this day all the way back in 373.

Ambrose took to his role well. He fought against heretics in the church and stood up to emperors even. There are hymns attributed to him, some which are even in our current hymnal (5, 233, and 234). There’s even a meditation attributed to him with the words “Lord Jesus Christ, you are for me medicine when I am sick,” very appropriate for a healing service.

Advent is a time of preparation for when God comes in. We must then ask ourselves if we will be ready to answer the unexpected call in the same way Ambrose was.