Listening to Jesus: Wednesday in the 5th Week of Lent


Readings for the Day:

Original Manuscript:

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One of the best times of my life was when I was living out in Montana. It was so great because so much of my life and work out there was centered around listening to God.

To truly listen, you have to be willing to put yourself aside. That’s true for any groups we belong or relationships that we are in. To listen to God, we have to put aside what we want and instead follow after what God wants.

The people Jesus is talking to in the Gospel today are not listening. That is why Jesus questions whether they are Abraham’s Children, that is God’s Chosen People. Here is God right there in front of them and they can’t hear a word He is say, not really hear at least.

When we look at ourselves, are we willing to listen to what Jesus saying? Are we willing to be changed by it? Are we willing to hear what God is saying even when God is telling us we are wrong? Are we going to follow our own path or God’s?