We as human beings have a tendency to latch on to one person. We see this in our forms of government and in our politics. We see it in our community structures. We even see it in our churches, including the Apostle Paul’s own observations in 1 Corinthians in Scripture.
Because of this tendency, we typically believe that the first thing we need to thrive is a good leader. Through my own experience and observations, I have found this not to be the case, at least as far as parishes are concerned. Parish communities don’t thrive because of their rectors. They thrive, instead, because they have active participation from the vast majority of their members. These are members who are invested in the work of the church and want to see that work succeed. Once a church has these types of members, they then typically choose strong and suitable rectors and work well with them. In other words, good leadership is a sign that the church is thriving, not the cause of that thriving.
When it comes to our participation in church, we have to ask ourselves, “Am I invested in the work of this church?” If you are, get involved, if you are not already. This is the only way our church can survive and continue to do the work God has given us to do.
You don’t have to be involved in everything the parish does, but you do need to be involved in something, preferably something that excites you and gives you joy as you learn and grow in your Faith. If you need help, turn to your clergy or even your fellow siblings in Christ for help as you discern where God may be calling you to use your gifts for the church. In this way you, individually, can help us all together as we continue to serve our Lord in this parish for generations and generations to come!