Hi, Trey here. Wherever you are online, you’ve probably seen me posting a great deal about Praying in Color lately, and you might be wondering what it is.
Praying in Color is a technique pioneered and written about by fellow Episcopalian, and generally wonderful person, Sybil MacBeth. It’s basically a way to pray for anything, from a sore shoulder to a loved one in need, by drawing. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. You can learn more by going to Sybil’s website
While you’re on her website, you can also find templates Sybil has created for Advent and Lent each year. These templates allow you to mark the passage of these seasons with Praying in Color. I use these templates myself, and you can find the work I’ve done on my Instagram page. Just look up the user name @instatreyk.
If you want to learn more, I’ve spoken about Praying in Color on my website, both to describe it and go through my own journey. You can find the links for those talks in the description below. You can also find a transcript for this video at
I hope this video has helped you get started with Praying in Color. Thank you, and blessings to you, now and always.