
Pondering the Christmas Mystery with Elisabet and Mary: The Nativity

“That’s What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown”: The Eve of the Nativity

Listening with Scrooge and Mary: 4th Sunday of Advent, Year C

Faith Fact- Spiritual Friendship

Sadness Before Joy: 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C

Second Fiddle: 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C

Faith Fact- Spiritual Direction

This is Advent: 1st Sunday of Advent, Year C

Faith Fact- Pastoral Counseling

What Christ's Kingship Really Means: The Last Sunday after Pentecost, Year B

Hope in the End: 26th Sunday after Pentecost- Proper 28, Year B

Not How Much, But Why We Give: 25th Sunday after Pentecost- Proper 27, Year B

Our Core and Live-Giving Identity: All Saints’, Year B

Hope Through the Endings: 23rd Sunday after Pentecost- Proper 25, Year B

Reflection on Surgeon General Murthy's Words on Anxiety

The Rule, and the Cost, of Discipleship: 22nd Sunday after Pentecost- Proper 24, Year B

Nothing Without Grace: 21st Sunday after Pentecost- Proper 23, Year B